Our online search now has extensive flexibility and power to find the exact documents that you are looking for.
You can search any of the fields available in our database. If you are not sure what to start with, the Title and Abstract fields will contain most of the information related to the content of the documents.
The match criteria allows you to focus on the location of the content in the field. Contains provides the most flexibility and will match anywhere in the field that you are searching.
Each term field can either be a single word or an exact phrase. If you wish to match multiple terms, but you are not trying to match the entire phrase, use a new search term row for each word. When you start typing a term, a new line will appear. You can have up to 15 search term rows.
After the first search term row the operator field will appear. You can build highly complex searches with this selection.
AND will require the previous search term to be found for a match.
OR will match either term.
NOT will exclude the following term.
( ) Parenthesis will group terms and operators into precedence like a mathematical computation.
The remaining fields in the row will be disabled when a group operator is chosen. The next row will determine the operator for the group.
title: fire weather AND (title: lightning OR abstract: lightning)
title: fire weather AND (title: lightning OR title: storms)
If you forget to close a grouping, the search engine will automatically close the grouping for you.
At the bottom of the search form you can search for people and organizations in wildland fire. Worldwide, we have 120,000 names, addresses, phone numbers, and some email addresses. Send corrections to: director@fireresearchinstitute.org.